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Prepare for Your Home for the Summer with These Tips

A young African-American woman standing on a ladder outside her house, using a caulk gun to repair a leak.


It’s the time of year when temperatures rise, and all you want to do is relax in your house. But before you do that, take some precautions so your house is not left vulnerable or exposed during this season.

This article will give you a few tips on how to prepare for the summer and keep your home safe and comfortable.

  1. Check That Air Conditioner

The first thing to do when preparing your home for summer is to check up on that air conditioner. Air-conditioning gets more expensive during this time because of the demand, but it becomes even costlier when it is not working properly.

First, check for leaks. The unit will leak if the coils and pipes that keep it cool are dirty. The dirtier they become, the more likely you’ll find leaks. Second, check the air filters for cracks and replace them if necessary. If your filter is not strong enough or does not exist, this can cause a variety of problems such as mold growth and poor air circulation.

Lastly, inspect your system components to ensure everything is clean and in working order. Clean any debris from the inside of your furnace and condenser coil. It may seem pointless to do so now that summer isn’t here yet, but leaving debris on those components causes permanent damage that could cost you a lot more than just cleaning them out now.

For more complex issues, contact an air conditioner repair specialist. They can help you with everything from cleaning and inspecting your system to repairing any damage that may have occurred. They can also provide you with advice on how to keep your air conditioner running efficiently and save you money in the process.

  1. Prepare Your Home for Pests

Pests are more common in summer because there is more food out. You should take measures to make your home less inviting to pests. For example, keep the exterior of your house clean and clear away any vegetation that touches it.

Pests like roaches and rodents can be really annoying to deal with, especially when you’re trying to sleep at night, and they’re running around in your bedroom. To help minimize the number of pests that end up in your home, make sure there aren’t any cracks or holes where they could slip through if they did get in.

Try using traps, mopping up all spilled food or water, and sealing off even the smallest openings where bugs might get in. Check up on all screens as well. Ensure that every single window has screens on them because even one little hole can create an opening big enough for mosquitoes to fly through.

  1. Reduce Humidity by Managing Moisture

As summer comes along, the humidity in your home will go up. The relative humidity will be at its highest during the summer months (May to August).

You don’t want high humidity levels because it can lead to the growth of mold and dust mites, which can make you and your family sick. Plus it can cause damage to wooden floors and furniture.

To reduce humidity levels inside your home install dehumidifiers or other equipment that removes moisture from the air and keep any plants in your home near an open window. If possible, dry your clothes outside (saves you money too)

  1. Keep Your Home Well-Ventilated during Summer

You’ll need to let more fresh air in when you’re trying to stay cool indoors. Turn off fans when they are not needed because running them wastes energy and money, but leave windows open at least one inch possible.

Some other tips on how to properly ventilate your home during summer include opening windows in opposite corners of a room and putting a bowl of ice in front of a fan to cool the air as it circulates

  1. Prevent Fires by Catching Electrical Problems and Other Issues

Contrary to what most people think, fires during summer are less common. But it doesn’t mean that you still shouldn’t be cautious. If you suspect anything at all, call your local fire department.

Summer is the best time to catch any electrical problems that may arise with your appliances or outlets before they become serious problems. You should take advantage of the warm weather to check for possible issues like broken outlets and defective wiring if they’re damaged, worn out, or poorly connected; water infiltration; overloaded circuits; loose connections or frayed wires; malfunctioning timers or clocks; faulty GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter); and improper appliance cords plugged into 240-volt receptacles.

You should also check for any gas leakage because a spark might cause an explosion.

The sweltering heat is bad enough. Worrying about your home makes the situation worse. With these tips, you should have a better understanding of what you need to do to prepare your home for summer.

Meta title: Summer Home Maintenance Tips | Flame Furnace
meta desc: How do you prepare your house for summer? Here are five important home maintenance tips for the season.

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